Table of tariffs for the HGV toll in Germany

Here you can see the toll rates for the HGV toll in Germany. The total amount is based on the distance that a vehicle or vehicle combination travels on a road subject to toll and on proportional toll rates per kilometre for CO2 emissions, air pollution, noise pollution and infrastructural cost. The toll rates result from the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG).

Changes as of July 1, 2024

Starting July 1, 2024, new toll rates for trucks between 3.5 and 7.5 tons will apply in Germany. The toll fees will be more clearly differentiated based on the weight and environmental friendliness of the vehicles, aiming for a fairer distribution of costs and an incentive to reduce emissions.

Craft businesses can be exempt from tolls under certain conditions, such as for transporting materials and tools.

Emission-free vehicles: Until December 31, 2025, emission-free vehicles are exempt from tolls. Starting January 1, 2026, they will pay a toll rate reduced by 75 percent for infrastructure costs, plus the toll rates for air pollution and noise pollution.

(July 2024, Source:

Download table of tariffs

Table of tariffs (July 2024) (73.1 KiB)

Toll rates as of December 1, 2023

Please note the following points for the correct calculation of toll charges:

  • Since December 1, 2023 the technically permissible maximum laden mass (TPMLM) has been decisive for assignment to a weight class.

  • The tandem axle counts as two axles, the tridem axle counts as three axles. Lift and retractable axles are always taken into account, regardless of whether a vehicle axle is being used or is lifted during transportation, in other words has no road contact.

  • Vehicles with a particle reduction class (PMK 1, PMK 2) are no longer categorised in a better emission class. Accordingly, a vehicle with the toll emission class "Euro 2 + PMK 1", for example, falls into toll emission class 2 as of December 1, 2023 and a vehicle with the toll emission class "Euro 3 + PMK 2" into toll emission class 3.

The road user subject to toll must prove the accuracy of all relevant data for toll collection when requested by the Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG) by showing appropriate documents (Section 5 of the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG) in conjunction with Sections 6 and 2 of the German Truck Toll Regulations).

For domestic vehicles registered in Germany using standard EU vehicle documents, the emission class can be identified based on the text in section 14 or the key number for 14.1 (Section 7 German Truck Toll Regulations).

For vehicles registered outside of Germany, time-based presumptions apply if the emission class cannot be proven in another way, in particular with documents attesting the fulfilment of certain environmental requirements in ECMT transport (European Conference of Ministers of Transport), (Section 8 of the German Truck Toll Regulations).

The road user subject to toll is responsible for demonstrating and proving all data relevant for toll collection. Failure to provide proof will be penalised with a fine.